Charlie Cogan presented Polio Plus Society pins to club members who donated at least $100 last fall to Polio Plus (all donations were double matched by The Gates Foundation!). Pin recipients include Mark Abbott, Bill Carlson, Amy Goerwitz, Ed Marek, Eric Runestad, Jesse Steed, Laurie Williams, and Charlie himself.
Polio Plus Pins
Charlie Cogan, Jesse Steed, Bill Carlson
In the fall, individual club members gave a total of $3420, which when added to the Gates Foundation double match equals $10,260. Plus our club organization gave an additional $5000 which was also double matched with another $10,000, so the total Polio Plus donation generated by our club was $25,260.
Charlie further reported that the polio vaccine works and because of Rotary efforts, eradication is in sight! In 1988 there were 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries. Last year there were 52 cases in just two countries. We make a difference.