YEO Talk
What is YEO Talk?
Support for Youth Exchange Officers, Club Counselors, Club Presidents, and all the valuable volunteers working to provide a fantastic experience for inbound and outbound high school students, host families, and community and global partners. Mondays at 8pm on Zoom for 30 minutes.
Weekly accountability and encouragement for YEOs, Club Counselors, and Rotary club members on Zoom, featuring helpful tips and tricks on current topics affecting inbound and outbound high school students, host families, and Rotary volunteers.
Monthly reports, host family visits, volunteer recruitment, inbound presentations, budget concerns - the world of Rotary Youth Exchange! Find help and support with RYE from fellow YEOs, Club Counselors, Club Presidents, and Rotary members.
Mondays @ 8:00 pm on Zoom
Need the link? Register for YEO Talk and get the Zoom invitation emailed to you by subscribing below.
Inbound Fall Survey
A quick and simple survey is a great way to connect with your inbound and glean valuable insight into reflections on the first 30 days. Register to receive the survey and send it to your inbounds.
Register here -
Contact Jesse Steed with questions -
100% Club Participation Challenge Survey
Our club goal is for everyone to pitch in and help with Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) in some way. Whether a large or small contribution, all are crucial for the success of the program. Inbound and outbound students are engaging in a life changing experience and they benefit from a supportive Rotary club.
Register here -
Contact Jesse Steed with questions -
Past Topics:
- Hear about youth exchange from North Star chair and ABIJ attendee, Eric Johnsrud
- Switching host famlies and the end of the year with Rita Varner-Otness
- Advanced Web Presence, Hub and spokes approach - learn how to direct traffic like a pro, with Jesse Steed
- Infographics with Canva, Quickly and easily make cool stuff on Canva to share online, with Jesse Steed
- Website Basics, Create a strong RYE presence online, starting with your club website, with Jesse Steed
- Promote Rotary, How to promote Rotary and Youth Exchange every chance you get, with Jean Wakely
- Outbound = Ourbound; Embrace your outbound student from day 1 - with Jesse Steed, Club Support Team & Northfield YEO
- Student Presentation; How to promote your inbound student presentation to your club & community - with Jesse Steed, Club Support Team & Northfield YEO
- DOS Requirements; 60 Day Follow Up and other program requirements - with Jesse Steed, Club Support Team & Northfield YEO
- Language Learning; How students learn languages today, the value of using apps and personal language coaches - with Sarah Adams
- Get new club members; The 60 day follow up visit, and how to make friends and influence host families to become Rotarians, with Jesse Steed
- Starting the year right; Setting expectations for your inbound, club counselor, and your club, with Jesse Steed
- NO YEO Talk - Labor Day
- The First Month, with Jesse Steed, NSRYE Club Support Team Member, and Northfield YEO
- North Star update, with Eric Johnsrud, NSRYE Chair
- North Star, All about North Star, with Elaine Baumann, NSRYE Vice Chair
- Club Engagement. How to animate your club and rally your troops around your inbound and around your RYE team - with Jesse Steed, NSRYE Club Support Team Member & Northfield YEO
- Training: Club Counselor. The club counselor works one-on-one with an inbound student as their advocate and confidant throughout their entire exchange year. Learn best practices for inbound engagement, host family interaction, and monthly reporting. - with Jesse Steed, NSRYE Club Support Team Member & Northfield YEO
- Country Officers, Training: How to use your country officer - with Kelli Tuttle and Jackie Johnston, NSRYE Country Officer Support Team Member
- Before Touchdown, What to tell your future inbound before they get here - with Jesse Steed, NSRYE Club Support Team Member & Northfield YEO
- No YEO Talk - 4th of July Week
- Cell Phones & Communication, Inbound student communication such as cell phones, apps, and safety in a digital world - with Jesse Steed, NSRYE Club Support Team Member & Northfield YEO
- RYE Budget, Money, cash, and valuable consideration for youth exchange inbound student expenses - with Jesse Steed, NSRYE Club Support Team Member, & Northfield YEO
- Guarantee Forms with Jesse Steed. Immediate actions to prepare for next year's inbounds.
- Supporting Host Parents with Mary OBrien and Jackie Johnston. New ways we are offering support for host parents/families
- School immunization from a school nurse with Vicky Baxter
- Braver Angels for RYE with Ed Marek and Bruce Morlan - A presentation about using Braver Angels techniques in youth exchange relationships
- Youth Protection with Mary Hahn and Brad Frago - North Star Youth Protection Officers speaking on critical incidents and early-return debriefing
- Google for RYE with Jesse Steed - Get Google for Nonprofits, use Google products for all they're worth
- North Star Vision with Jackie Johnston - Jackie's vision for Rotary Youth Exchange
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion - Supporting LGBTQ+ People in Rotary Youth Exchange with Michael Parks, Chairman - Rotary Youth Exchange District 6900 - 2016 - 2024
- Marketing Youth Exchange with Jesse Steed, NSRYE Club Support Team Member, Northfield YEO
- STEP (Short Term Exchange Program) with Elaine Baumann, STEP Coordinator, River Falls YEO
- Interact Club with Bill Schult, NSRYE Club Support Team Member, STEP Team Member, & Prior Lake YEO
- The HUB with Rita Varner-Otness, NSRYE Club Support Team, and Sara Johnston, NSRYE Executive Assistant
- Mental Health Issues Pertaining to Youth Exchange Students with Dorothee Ischler, NSRYE Mental Health Consultant
- Rotary 4-way Test, Racism, and How It Relates To Youth Exchange with Jackie Johnston, NSRYE Chair
Want to learn more about Rotary?
- Be our guest at one of our weekly lunch meetings on Thursdays at noon at the Northfield United Methodist Church (1401 Maple Street S). If possible, please contact in advance so we can arrange a host for you.
- Subscribe to our club newsletter, the College City Cogwheel.
Thank you for your interest in Northfield's vibrant Rotary club. We thank you for your support of our hands-on service community.