The Rotary Climate Action Team launched its first EV Charging Station in Northfield.

Rotary Climate Action Team

The Rotary Climate Action Team (RCAT) is dedicated to making climate change a strategic priority and to raising awareness, providing education and encouraging individuals and businesses to act in the interest of our planet.

Climate Change Statement

The Rotary Club of Northfield recognizes that climate change is an unprecedented challenge to humankind. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the hotter our planet will become. Impacts of climate change will affect the world's most vulnerable first and hardest, putting Rotary's good work in the world at risk. We know actions must be taken NOW to prevent further damage.

Why Rotary?

Having a safe, stable environment will be necessary for Rotary to continue to make progress in our six focus areas: 1) promoting peace, 2) fighting disease, 3) clean water, sanitation and hygiene, 4) saving mothers and children, 5) supporting education, and 6) growing local economies.  Many years ago, an individual Rotary club saw a need and took action to begin the eradication of polio, and a movement began.  The same grassroots effort will be necessary to begin to tackle the climate change problem.  We also believe that Rotary is well suited to take on this effort because it has the format and structure to be able to work at a local and global level. 

Our Commitment:

Real solutions will require action at all levels, from the Club, to the District and on to Rotary International.  Because Rotary’s polio efforts have shown us that change is best started at the club level, Northfield Rotary Club commits to taking the following actions.


Educate and regularly update our club on climate change news and research


Develop local projects that support renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions


Collaborate with local government entities, organizations and businesses to support policies that makes sense for our locality


Consider the climate change impact of global service projects we support


Recommend action that local individuals can take to combat climate change


Invite other Rotary Clubs to join us in this commitment
For additional information about our club and this statement, contact our club’s Rotary Climate Action Team chair, Alan Anderson,