Click the map for route description
The Routes
The routes this year will be very similar to last year: 2 Gravel, 4 Road and a Family route. We’ll be tweaking the routes a bit based on feedback from last year. Routes are posted below! To view routes for this year, click here or visit Ride With GPS and search for “2022 Northfield Rotary Bike Tour”. The routes posted by Dave Wolf are the official routes. A summary description of the routes follows below.
Single Riders: $45, $10 discount for early registration
Family Riders: $100, $10 discount for early registration (max of 2 Adults, max of 5 riders)
Family Route: $15
New for 2022
Register and Ride the 3 Event Series: Rivers, Lakes & Fields to get a complimentary gift at each event and be eligible for 3 $100 cash prizes.
Click here to register for the Northfield Rotary Bike Tour and Click here to Register for the 3 Event Series. Registration opens at 7:00 am, with Start times beginning at 7:30 for those doing the longer rides. All other route starting times are: 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Fundraiser Benefits
The Northfield Rotary Club has organized and operated the Bike Tour as a fundraiser since 1995, 100% volunteer run. Net proceeds raised at this event support Rotary’s local and international service projects and furthers the mission of Rotary by funding projects that promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water and sanitation, and strengthen and sustain local economies.
Current Northfield Rotary projects include Youth Exchange, the Mill Town Bike Trail, Water projects in Tanzania and Guatemala and providing local organizations support such as CAC, Ruth's House, Hillcrest Village, The Key and many more. More information about the Northfield Rotary Club can be found on our website at
Event Details:
No paper maps, please print out in advance if you need one
All Routes available via Ride with GPS (search key words: “Northfield Rotary”). 2022 Routes are posted and have been finalized.
The Family Ride and All Road Routes will be well marked
The Gravel Routes are only marked till the Gravel starts and a few select intersections
All Routes begin and end at Central Park in downtown Northfield.
Family Route for 2022:
- 10 Mile Family ride: Utilizing a portion of the Mill Town Trail, this route does a loop around the Cannon River with nearly 100% of the route using dedicated bike trails. The trail shelter near Dundas serves as a rest stop. Kids under 18 accompanied by an adult ride this route FREE.
RidewithGPS Link:
Road Routes for 2022:
- 26 Mile Valley Grove route: Rolling out of town to the East, this route has plenty of hills and gorgeous views. There’s a fully equipped rest stop/aid station at Nerstrand City Park.
RidewithGPS Link:
We put together 2 different 50 Mile routes this year. Ride either one for a 50 Mile route or do both and get your Century ride in.
- 54 Mile Montgomery route: Head west to Montgomery and enjoy a Kolacky from the infamous Franke’s Bakery before returning east to Central Park. A fully equipped rest stop/aid station is in Montgomery.
RidewithGPS link:
- 57 Mile Sogn Valley route: Head southeast out of Northfield toward Valley Grove church, Nerstrand and a tour thru the beautiful Sogn Valley (lots of hills folks), returning to Central Park. A fully equipped rest stops/aid stations at Nerstrand City Park and Urland Church Park just east of Sogn Valley.
RidewithGPS Link:
- 112 Mile Montgomery-Sogn Valley Century Ride: Get the best of both and do the Montgomery and Sogn Valley routes, knocking out your Fall Century ride. A total of 4 Rest stops/Aid stations are available to support you on your ride.
RidewithGPS Link:
And of course, you can combine any of the above to make your own route.
Gravel routes for 2022:
- 31 Mile Country Rollers Gravel route: Head east out of Northfield and pick up the gravel a few miles out of town. Enjoy the rolling hills throughout this ride with a stop at the Nerstrand City Park aid station.
RidewithGPS Link:
- 58 Mile Sogn Valley Gravel Route: Head east out of town on the same route as the 31 Mile Gravel route, but instead of turning south, you keep going east into the heart of the Sogn Valley hills. Enjoy the beautiful country roads, including the very challenging minimum maintenance Shady Lane road, and 2 trips up and down through Sogn Valley. Rest stops at Urland Church Park on the east side of Sogn Valley and a 2nd rest stop as you come through Nerstrand at the City Park.
RidewithGPS Link:
SAG – will be available throughout the day. Your wristband has the phone printed on it.
AID Stations – at least 1 Aid Station on each route. See Route details for more info.
Bike Support – Bike shop support at the Start/Finish location and at the Nerstrand City Park Aid Station.