Classification Talk
Feb 24, 2022
Richard Schulte
Classification Talk

Richard Schulte jointed the Northfield Rotary Club in 2016.  He wanted to postpone delivery of his Classification Talk until a worldwide pandemic occurred.  He will now make that presentation to the Club on February 24, 2022.

Richard is mostly retired.  He moved from Cleveland, Ohio to Northfield, MN with his wife, ReJean, in 2007.  They came to entertain three grandchildren who have now outgrown them.  Richard is an electrical and aerospace engineer, a carpenter and holds a Minnesota boiler operator’s license. He has pursued seven careers, and lived in twenty-one homes in eight states.  Richard has knowledge that not less than 1% of Northfield Rotary Club members are storing combustible fluids next to their residential, gas-fired, water heaters.